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Yens Dælithorn @ The Kewel Ristar
  an image of Thorr's Hammer

Thorr, aka Thor, Thunar, Thunor, Donar, Véur, Vingthór, Hlórrithi, The Thunderer, Giant Killer, High Thunderer, Hróthr's foemen, man's well wisher, Serpent's slayer, wielder of Mjóllnir, also has an assortment of other titles. Sif's husband is a popular and jovial protector of mankind oft thought of as a powerfully built "good ol' boy with wild red hair and a big ol' shaggy beard to match who is always itchin' ready for a fight" and consistantly gives quite freely to those whom he truly considers to be his friends. With a most hearty and oftimes bawdy sense of humour, he is reputed to thoroughly enjoy drinking, banqueting, storytelling, and overall good company in general, and truly cares for his chosen charges. It is said that he drives a chariot pulled by his two goats, who are aptly named tooth-gnasher, and tooth-gnawer, whom he is known to kill with his weapon of choice, a mighty hammer, eat of their flesh - without breaking any bones mind you, and then hallowing the fleshless skins and bones with this fearsome weapon of his and thus bring the goats back to life again.

One of the most significant sacred symbols of the Northern Traditions, The Hammer of Thorr is known as Mjöllnir, and also goes by such names as The Crusher, the Hammer of Might, Hrungnir's Bane, Destroyer, and a most glorious myriad of other highly descriptive and suggestive names, some of which are surely to be found through-out the sadly limited surviving written records of Teutonic Heathenry. Ever returning to Thorr's hand when thrown, this treasure was magickally created along with other equally wondrous objects, all crafted in a contest betwixt Dwarven smiths, (one of the many myths concerning this weapon), and is known to strike with pure lightning whilst roaring with loud thunder as the Giant-Killer joyfully battles all which truly jeopardize the safety and well-being of his chosen charges, the free-folk of the working class, over whom he lovingly protects. It is this, the Miller of Bones, with which Thorr wards both the realm of the gods and humanity alike as he pushes back the ever-surging tide of giant elemental forces which threaten to overwhelm all with their chaotic force of utter devastation.

The Hammer of Thorr is both a symbol of protection and of spiritual consecration. Oft signified by the rune-stave Thurisaz, it is a symbol of active defense, never to be used for aggression but rather in defense against others aggressions, and may be 'signed' in front of the body in times of need by starting with the hand/fingers from the head, moving them straight down to the solar plexus, stopping, and then another fluid motion is made completely across the body from right to left at the point of the solar plexus. This act is to be accompanied by a well-spoken invocation for greatest results.

Although said to be somewhat overhasty in judgement, Thorr is none-the-less a most reliable friend and battle-companion who would not want to be worshiped out of fear but instead, like all of the deities of the Northern Tradition prefer, to be honoured out of an honest feeling of worthiness, for he should be seen and considered as naught but a big brother. Some of this God's diversly numerous traits include such things as; physical strength, law and order, defensive actions, stout courage, and trust. Whilst other naturalistic aspects of his include goats, oak trees, water, crops, incliment weather, storms, thunder and lightning, war and battle, travel, trading expeditions, and hard work. While his hall within the realm of Asagard is located in Bilskinir, aka Lightning, and his hearth-stone is placed within Thrúthheim, he is rarely at home due to his constant attention in attending to the diverse and numerous encounters of giant-kin. Many a myth relate of these fantastic tales. If you would know more, seek out the Lay of Hárbarth, for surely this will enlighten you as to a few of this god's mighty deeds!

Actively used by those who are Tru to the Northern Traditions, the sacred symbol known as Mjölnir is also equally considered as a phallic symbol of fertility. It is known to be laid in the lap of a bride-to-be for the consecration and blessing of the union. It embodies the facets of creation and destruction alike, and as such it is brought openly forth in order to hallow both the newly-born and the newly-dead for the life to come. It is oft used to hallow a stead, and thus sanctify a place, as this then sets the intended area apart from the everyday space and/or other common worldly time constraints. Displayed whilst it is resting upon the head, or striking portion, with it's handle upright, the Hammer oft contains a solid, un-broken ring that has been passed through the topmost part of the shaft, and it is through this sacred symbol whereby oaths are solidly made. It is worn proudly round the neck as a sign of one's Troth, embodying just as much, if not more, spiritual meaning as other, well known amulets of the many diverse faiths of today.

a third I know, if my need be great,
to fetter a foeman fell:
I can dull the swords of deadly foes,
that no wiles, nor weapons avail.
.:.   .:.   .:.   Stanza # 148 Havamal


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